European Union CO2 standards for new passenger cars and vans: New vehicle CO2 target levels

Applying the ICCT Roadmap Model, three scenarios were modeled to assess the required level of type-approval CO2 emission reduction for new passenger cars and vans: Adopted policies: Average new car CO2 emissions decrease by 15% by 2025 and 37.5% by 2030, relative to 2021. For vans, the reduction is 15% by 2025 and 31% by 2030, relative to 2020. From 2030 onwards, the average emission level remains constant, both for cars and vans. This scenario corresponds to the CO2 standards regulation currently in place in the EU. Lower ambition: The 2025 target level for cars is strengthened, requiring a 20% reduction. For vans, it remains unchanged. The 2030 target level is adjusted to a 50% reduction, for both vehicle types. By 2035, CO2 emissions of new vehicles have to decrease by 70%. Moderate ambition: The 2025 target reduction level is set at -30% for cars and 25% for vans. In 2030, the reduction target becomes 70% for both vehicle types and, by 2035, all new vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions. Higher ambition: The 2025 target reduction level is adjusted to 40% for cars and to -35% for vans. By 2030 all new vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions.