The future of urban mobility

The new version of the ‘Future of Urban Mobility’ study was released and identifies the mobility challenges facing cities worldwide. The report includes an update of Arthur D. Little’s Urban Mobility Index, assessing the world’s cities in terms of mobility maturity and performance and together with UITP identifies strategic directions and recommendations for improvement. The study includes the Arthur D. Little Urban Mobility Index, which covers 84 cities around the world. The index reveals that most cities are still badly equipped to cope with the mobility challenges ahead indicating that there remains significant potential for improvement. Hong Kongtops the ranking with a score of 58.2/100, followed closely by Stockholm and Amsterdam. Copenhagen and Vienna complete the top five. Together with UITP, the study identifies three strategic directions for cities as well as 25 imperatives to consider by cities to shape their future. Considering that today, 64% of all travel made is within urban environments and that by 2050, it is estimated that 67% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas, meaning greater innovation will be needed in the future to address the increasing demand for urban journeys (expected to rise by 68% from 2010-2030).
