Global corruption report: Climate change

This report by Transparency International explores major climate-related corruption risks, sets out practical guidelines and calls on strengthening of governance mechanisms to reduce corruption risk and make climate change policy effective and successful.


The Global Corruption Report explores the corruption risks related to tackling climate change. From international policy-making to national level mitigation and adaptation strategies and with a special focus on the forestry sector, the GCR draws on the expertise of more than 50 experts and practitioners from the anti-corruption movement and the climate change field.

See Also

Report: Tackling corruption risks in climate change.

Opinion: How climate ready are we?

Report: India corruption study 2010.

: The global competitiveness report 2010–2011.

: International GHGs Offsets and global climate mitigation.

Order: Mitigation of what and by what?

Report: Taking CDM beyond China and India.

Report: Environmental finance for pro-poor development. 
