Global Nutrition Report 2016: from promise to impact - ending malnutrition by 2030
Global Nutrition Report 2016: from promise to impact - ending malnutrition by 2030

The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) is the only independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. The 2016 report focuses on the theme of making – and measuring – global commitments to nutrition, and what it will take to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. This edition of the report presents a comprehensive analysis of the multiple burdens of malnutrition, from stunting and wasting to obesity and related non-communicable diseases. Findings reveal a global lack of progress against malnutrition – which now afflicts one in three people worldwide. Beyond health burdens, the report offers new data on the cost of malnutrition to societies and individuals, explores examples of progress and offers ways to engage stakeholders to help end malnutrition across a variety of sectors – from education and agriculture to sanitation and hygiene. The 2016 Global Nutrition Report points to ways to reverse this trend and end all forms of malnutrition by 2030