Global report on urban health: equitable, healthier cities for sustainable development
Global report on urban health: equitable, healthier cities for sustainable development
As the world’s urban population continues to grow, health inequities - especially between the richest and poorest urban populations - are a persistent challenge according to this new report by WHO and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
The Global report on urban health: equitable, healthier cities for sustainable development, 2016 presents new data on the health of urban residents from nearly 100 countries, updating the first joint WHO-UN Habitat global report on urban health titled Hidden cities: unmasking and overcoming health inequities in urban settings. The new Global Report deconstructs the complex challenges of health and health inequity in cities everywhere. It presents a special analysis on the impact of persistent urban health inequities on achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. It sets a baseline for the new global health and development agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals and Universal Health Coverage. It also presents evidence that in cities, progress in health depends not only on the strength of health systems, but also on shaping healthier urban environments. This Global Report presents practical, proven solutions for working across sectors to tackle these 21st century health challenges. It presents examples of effective actions by cities and nations around the world and the successes that have been achieved.