Market analysis of heavy-duty vehicles in India for fiscal years 2019–20 and 2020–21
Market analysis of heavy-duty vehicles in India for fiscal years 2019–20 and 2020–21
Market analyses by vehicle segment, weight category, manufacturer, and engine size are needed to optimize vehicle emission standards and testing requirements. In India, these are largely adopted from Euro standards to fit the Indian landscape, and that was the case with the Bharat Stage (BS) VI regulations that took effect April 1, 2020. The heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) market saw some big technology changes to meet the new standards, and this paper analyzes the first fiscal year (FY) 2020–21 of BS VI vehicle sales and the last year of sales under the previous BS IV standard, FY 2019–20. Also compare the results to our previous analysis of FY 2017–18, the first year of sales for BS IV vehicles in India.