Market analyses by vehicle segment, weight category, manufacturer, and engine size are needed to optimize vehicle emission standards and testing requirements. In India, these are largely adopted from Euro standards to fit the Indian landscape, and that was the case with the Bharat Stage (BS) VI regulations that took effect April 1, 2020.

This is the second part of ICCT’s comprehensive survey of motor gasoline and automotive diesel fuel quality across India. The first part presented analysis of samples collected in December 2019 and January 2020, while the Bharat Stage (BS) IV standards were still in effect for much of the country.

Regulators are working toward an India-specific version of the European Commission’s Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation Tool (VECTO), and its use in future fuel efficiency regulations would allow India to implement simulation-based standards that are more aligned with trends in other major vehicle markets.

A new study provides a detailed picture of the health impacts attributable to emissions from four transportation subsectors: on-road diesel vehicles, on-road non-diesel vehicles, shipping, and non-road mobile sources such as agricultural and construction equipment.

A new study provides a detailed picture of the health impacts attributable to emissions from four transportation subsectors: on-road diesel vehicles, on-road non-diesel vehicles, shipping, and non-road mobile sources such as agricultural and construction equipment.