Perceived adequacy of food consumption in Indian households

This report is based on the findings of a short module of the survey intended to ascertain some details of the perception of the Indian population regarding the adequacy of its food intake. For one-half of the sample households - those surveyed through Schedule Type 2 - it was ascertained whether, according to the household's own perception, its members got two square meals throughout the year, or only in some months (and if so, which months), or in no month of the year. The reference year consisted of the last 12 calendar months preceding the date of enquiry. The report contains three chapters and three appendices. Chapter one is introductory, while Chapter two gives the concepts and definitions used in the survey. The main findings are presented in Chapter three. Detailed tables at State/UT and all-India level are given in Appendix A, the sample design and estimation procedure are explained in Appendix B, and the schedule of enquiry used for data collection is attached as Appendix C.
