Race to zero: How manufacturers are positioned for zero-emission commercial trucks and buses in North America
Race to zero: How manufacturers are positioned for zero-emission commercial trucks and buses in North America
This paper summarizes the new vehicle sales market for Class 2 through Class 8 heavy-duty truck and buses in the United States and Canada. In addition, it profiles the early market for zero-emission HDVs and provides a snapshot of the battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell products available across different truck and bus segments. The roughly 570 units of zero-emission HDVs sold in the United States and Canada in 2019 represent less than 0.1% of the on-road commercial truck and bus market. In the transit bus segment, which has the largest penetration of zero-emission technology, fully electric vehicles made up 3% of sales in 2019. However, by 2023 the number of available zero-emission HDV models are expected to double in the United States and Canada. The combination of increased regulatory requirements from a growing set of national and sub-national governments, as well as steadily decreasing costs of zero-emissions vehicles and refueling infrastructure, will result in zero-emission HDVs overtaking diesel in the U.S. and Canadian market over the next two decades.