The state of the world’s children 2012: children in an urban world
The state of the world’s children 2012: children in an urban world
Urbanization leaves hundreds of millions of children in cities excluded from vital services, UNICEF warns in this annual report on State of the World’s children. Urges governments to put children at the heart of urban planning & to improve services for all.
More than a billion children, or over half the global population of minors, are now estimated to live in urban areas, according to UNICEF, which is releasing the report entitled “The State of the World’s Children 2012”. Urban inequity is common to all countries, although its specific forms and patterns vary. It affects the life chances of hundreds of millions of children. The 2012 edition of The State of the World’s Children sheds light on the scale of the issue and suggests ways to ensure that an urban childhood is also a safe, healthy, participatory and fulfilling one. The report argues that a concerted effort to place children’s rights at the centre of urban decision-making is the only way to narrow the gaps and build a more equitable and prosperous urban future.
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Report: The state of the worlds children.
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