Enable Block: 

Tecom, the promoters of SmartCity project, will submit the environmental clearance application for the complete project to state level environment impact assessment authority by month-end.

South Korean steel company Pohang Steel Company (Posco) has sought Cabinet Secretary Ajit Kumar Seth’s intervention in renewing the green clearance for its project in Orissa.

MAYEM: The Mhadei Water Disputes Tribunal (MWDT) on Saturday censured Maharashtra officials for modifying the Virdi dam project without the consent of authorities and for failing to acquire environ

This is the 43rd Report on 'Development of Hydro Sector" presented by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy.

The Union Road Transport and Highways (RTH) ministry has approved road construction of 6,418 km under Special Accelerated Road Development Project-North East for implementation of Phase A and the A

The Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board (HPSPCB) today rejected the request for renewal of ‘consent to establish’, issued in favour of the Jakhu aerial ropeway, with the promoters failin

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mandar Dalbehera Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 11/12/2013 regarding a proposed Coal Tar Industry. The NGT order states "It was pointed out that the proceedings of Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources, Orissa shows that industry/mine shall not be allowed to draw water from the underground sources/bore well.

VISL will soon invite requests for qualification for EPC contract, says Minister

The Expert Appraisal Committee of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests for projects relating to infrastructure development and Coastal Regulation Zone has recommended the accordance of environmental clearance for the Rs.5,000-crore deepwater container transhipment port proposed to be set up at Vizhinjam, near here.

All major real estate projects in the city and rest of the state have remained stalled since April because the state mechanism to clear them has been lying dormant for over six months.

Letter to M/s Gujarat State Electricity Corpn. Ltd. from Ministry of Environment & Forests regarding environmental clearance of Expansion by addition of 1x800 MW (Extension Unit-8) Super-Critical Coal Based Thermal Power Plant at Wanakbori, in Thasara Taluk, in Distt. Kheda, in Gujarat dated December 2, 2013
