Enable Block: 

Environmental clearance Phase II of TPP (Expansion) 21 October, 2008.

2x330 MW imported coal based thermal power project at Tunda, Kutchh, Gujarat by M/s Adani Power Pvt Ltd – environmental clearance (13 August, 2007).

Environmental clearance for proposed development of multipurpose berth (Terminal 2) at Mundra Port, Kutch District, Gujarat (05/02/2007).

Minutes of the 9th meeting of the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority.

Is the Rs 13,500 crore Indirasagar dam another Narmada in the making? Despite protests, the project is on.

Letter to M/s Adani Chemicals Limited from additional director on establishment of salt works at Mundra District Kachchh by M/s Adani Chemicals Limited dated 04/08/2005.

The Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project under the consideration of the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India, envisages creation of a ship navigation channel to suit different draughts (9.15 m, 10.7 m and 12.8m) through dredging/excavation in Adam’s Bridge, parts of Palk Bay and Palk Strait.

Environmental clearance for the proposed Single Point Mooring (SPM), Crude Oil Terminal (COT), and connecting pipes at Mundra Port, Kuch District, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Adani Port Ltd (21 July 2004)

Environmental clearance for the proposed Port expansion project including dry/break bulk cargo container terminal, railway link and related ancillary and back-up facilities at Mundra Port, Kutch District, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Adani Port Ltd. (20 September 2000).

Handling facility of general cargo/LPG/chemicals and their storage terminal at Navinal Island, Mundra Taluk of Kutch District, Gujarat: environmental clearance - office memorandum (25 August 1995).
