RK Pachauri, chairman of the Nobel Prize-winning Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has dismissed all charges of financial impropriety levelled against him by a prominent London newspaper.

Munnabhai does it with flowers and a hug, the NGOs do it with an award. It

In the warm-up here, the maximum buzz and heat has been around two contrasting drafts, one proposed by Denmark and the other by four large developing countries, including India, that have been doing the rounds to be considered as the possible outlines for the agreement coming out of Copenhagen. Both drafts have attracted sharp reactions, mostly negative.

Hydroxyl radicals are often called the "detergent" of the atmosphere because they control the atmosphere's capacity to cleanse itself of pollutants. In this article the researchers show that the reaction of electronically excited nitrogen dioxide with water can be an important source of tropospheric hydroxyl radicals.