This group, with representatives from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, seeks role in dispute resolution

Even as the dispute over sharing of the Cauvery waters between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka is hotting up yet again, a group of stakeholders on both sides of the border — under the banner of ‘Cauvery Family’ — is continuing its effort at finding a farmer-friendly solution to one of the most politically exploited issues in the riparian States.

Allocation for a child in anganwadi in State is Rs. 4 a day

With food prices going northward, a cup of coffee in Bangalore, on an average, costs Rs. 10 today. In such a situation, how well can a child in an anganwadi in Karnataka be fed on an allocation of Rs. 4 per day?

‘Use of locally available food can go a long way in keeping children healthy'

Going local on food consumption is the way to keep children healthy. This simple truth – based as much on traditional wisdom as it is on scientific principle – is the message of the committee set up to address child malnutrition in Karnataka, which has prescribed a “feeding protocol” for children of different age groups, pregnant women and lactating mothers.