New Delhi What role does a region from where India imported just 0.9% of goods between 2008 and 2010, and exported only 1% in the same period, have to play in the overall economy of the country?

New Delhi The UK has launched private sector development programme in India with a commitment of 65 million pound (R520 crore) in partnership with the Small Industries Development Bank of India (Si

New Delhi Despite Chinese objections to India's deals with Vietnam for oil exploration in the South China Sea, which Beijing claims in full, India and Vietnam on Wednesday sealed an oil exploration

Land acquisition overseas for farming could soon become a reality. The agriculture ministry plans to announce a policy that will allow farmers to buy land in continents like South America and Africa to farm for all sorts of crops.

New Delhi In an effort to create favourable conditions for indigenous solar manufacturing capability and market leadership in the country, minister for new & renewable energy Farooq Abdullah is leading a Ficci solar energy business delegation and senior officials to Intersolar Europe 2011, Munich, Germany.

Prior to Intersolar Europe conference, during the week long visit from June 6-10, the

Mohan Kohli, a famous agricultural scientist from India, had been involved with the agriculture sector in Paraguay over the last three decades for the improvement of wheat cultivation and production. And it is widely believed that due to Kohli

With no signs of a respite in oil prices and given India
