Report of the field visit by Prof A. K. Gosain (Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi) to the site of Art of Living function. Prof A. K. Gosain says that "the site has been cleared of all the natural vegetation and consolidated with machinery. It appears that the site has been raised with the hhelp of JCBs.

This study is an attempt to quantify the impact of climate change on the hydrology of Armur watershed in Godavari river basin, India. A GIS-based semi-distributed hydrological model, soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) has been employed to estimate the water balance components on the basis of unique combinations of slope, soil and land cover classes for the base line (1961–1990) and future climate scenarios (2071–2100). Sensitivity analysis of the model has been performed to identify the most critical parameters of the watershed.

The study focuses on the hydrology of Wardha sub basin of Godavari which occupies the area between latitudes 190 18’ N and 210 58’N and longitudes 770 20’E and 79045’ E.

The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture were assessed. These two key sectors are highly sensitive to climate and provide support to the livelihoods of the poorer sections of the population.

Integrated framework for effective adaptation the water sector by A. K. Gosain, presented at the National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

An integrated database has been designed to cater to the data collected by different agencies on various aspects of biological and geophysical data, as part of the coordinated programme on

The top layer of accumulated sand washed down by floods over millions of years, makes river floodplains into giant aquifers. We propose a scheme for the natural storage of excess monsoon river-water discharge in the extensive and deep sand top layer of the floodplain of the river.

The spatial and temporal variability experienced in the weather conditions of a local area as well as the landmass on which they act makes the overall system highly dynamic and therefore complex to understand in terms of its water resources.