The West Bengal government has sought permission from the Centre to take part in construction of hydro projects in neighbouring country Bhutan.

The state wants its power distribution company, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co Ltd (WBSEDCL), be given permission to take up hydro projects in Bhutan. Till now, only the Central government’s NHPC has been allowed to take part in building hydro projects in the neighbouring country.

After concentrating on thermal power for a long time, the West Bengal government has now decided to give priority to the development of hydro power projects in the 12th and 13th plan period.

The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) is the first state run power agency to successfully complete the installation of 'Go Alive' system in its day to day functio

Yet another farmer having committed suicide now in Burdwan district, the rice bowl of West Bengal, taking the toll to nine in the last two months.

In the last two months, eight farmers committed suicide in Burdwan district, while the ninth such incident was reported from North Bengal’s Coocbehar district. The state administration continues to deny any case of farmers’ suicide, even as there are sporadic cases of farmers’ agitation in the rural Bengal. There, in some cases, the farmers have taken the extreme steps of burning the paddy to draw attention to their plight.

The problem of chronic hunger that afflicts around 10 million rural people in West Bengal has largely been ignored. What is the Left Front government doing to alleviate the situation? May 3-9, 2008