With the dismantling of the Union Carbide factory responsible for the Bhopal gas leak, vital evidence in the case, which reveals the company s callousness, will disappear

parshit Kurmi, a daily-wage labourer in Delhi since 1991, was puzzled when he was told that the government's latest estimate had found poverty levels were coming down. For the past 16 years, Kurmi's

the Union budget for 2007-08 is big on illusions, small on vision. Despite the hype about its tilt towards the agriculture sector, the budget has failed to put together a package to bail out the

Should we feel comfortable with the latest government claim that unemployment is coming down? The government says unemployment has come down due to growth. During the 2006-07 budget, finance minister


"Will I get rights to my ancestral land inside the forests?' asks Sur Suti from Sonebhadra district in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The second convention of the National Forum of Forests People and Forest Workers (nffpfw), held from October 31 to November 3 in Ranchi, tried to answer this question while addressing the issue of granting forest-dwellers their rights over local resources.

Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in India

Signposts 2004: Essential Data, Timelines and Analysis of Global Trends

In Search Of Sustainable Livelihood Systems: Managing Resources and Change

Now even the World Bank says money should flow to local bodies directly
