POLITICIAN, economist and teacher all rolled into one Johannes Pieter Pronk, better known as Jan Pronk, is in his second term as Netherlands minister for development cooperation. He has held the position of deputy secretary general of UNCTAD and has bee

MADHAV Chitale, former secretary in the ministry of water resources, is a recipient of The Stockholm Water Award, given by the Stockholm Water Foundation for outstanding work in the area of water management. Currently secretary general of the Internationa

FIVE YEARS ago, the social forestry department in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra cleared several trees from a forest near Nandivse village to plant acacia trees. It did not know that the 4-ha patch was a sacred grove surrounding the temple of a powerful local deity, Kal Bhairon. The villagers, too, joined in because they were paid for the felling and planting.

FOR THOSE who would have us believe the environment movement is the product of the twentieth century Western mind, Banwari's book provides a fitting rebuff. Almost admirable in scope, it introduces

THOUGH one dislikes pessimists who seem to have given up on our collective ability to put development onto a genuinely sustainable path, the fact remains they have enough evidence to demonstrate

By 2010, the world's population will have gone up to 6 billion. But at the recent New York meeting on population and development, counting heads took precedence over critical issues such as women's nutrition and education