Slowly but steadly, women elected to panchayats are asserting themselves and, in the process, giving a new thrust to grassroot governance

How green is your money? Investors try to figure out as plantation companies take them for a ride

forests are central to the people of Mizoram and are therefore an important determinant of the quality of their life. The book surveys the environmental history and the complex relation between

Political parties pay lip service to environmental issues in their election manifestos

The first conference of parties for the Convention to Combat Desertification held in Rome took some important decisions to save the parts of the Earth that face increasing desertification. But the larger conflict of interests dominated the proceedings

Sewage disposal is a big problem in Mumbai. The blueprint for a project to improve waste management in the city is ready but its effectiveness is being hotly contested

With the 1996 general elections just around the corner, the nation's premier political parties are back to making elaborate 'green' promises. But behind the tall claims and pledges of their manifestoes, are they really serious about the problems that pl

Tribals in India have finally succeeded in achieving their long cherished ambition of self rule

Trilbals dependent on the jungle's gifts fight it out in Bilaspur district

... the Adivasi woman is no longer a silent observer of the issues bothering her for ages
