An answer to this question was attempted at a workshop organised in Hyderabad, from September 23 24, 2003, by the Administrative Staff College of India ASCI and Water and Sanitation Program WSP South Asia

Even as citypeople all over India were finalising their Christmas party hopping plans, a celebration of a very different kind galvanised Junagadh district, Gujarat. From December 23 to 26, 2002, thousands of villagers from villages in Keshod, Maliya, Memd

As the Cauvery river dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu gets reduced to a politico legal wrangle, focal issues remain unaddressed

Final judgement delivered in Ahmedabad lakes case. But apprehensions remain...

The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) related to sanitation rely on flushing systems. Uno Winblad, senior adviser, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden, tells S V Suresh Babu that the ecosan approach can do the job much better

Hyderabad s Himayat Sagar catchment overrun with illegal constructions
