Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board Vs M/s. Visakha Industries Ltd and another dated 26/11/2013 regarding industries located within 10 km
radius of the lakes,

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/judgment/16_2012(THC)(App)(SZ)_26Nov2013_final_order.pdf

The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Monday expressed its displeasure at the apathy of the authorities in protecting the Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes —the main drinking water sources for the state

Hyderabad, Sept.

Hyderabad, Feb. 1: The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad will organise a three-day international conference on climate change and its impact on water, food and environment in the city from Wednesday. About 300 delegates from various universities are expected to attend.

This document represents the collective expertise of a diverse group of individuals concerned with ecosystem degradation, and the continuing loss of the services provided by these ecosystems. Attention is given to aquatic ecosystems because of water`s fundamental role as the `blood` of ecosystem structure and functions, and an engine of economic production.

Hyderabad, Sept. 19: The government has decided to punish those who built illegal constructions upstream of Osamansagar and Himayatsagar.

For two historical water bodies in Hyderabad

Hyderabad s Himayat Sagar catchment overrun with illegal constructions