Aprimatologist, environmentalist and UN messenger of peace - that's Dame Jane Goodall for one and all. But what is she doing at a technology platform like Map World Forum, raised the brow of many a technologist at the event.

The debate about best policies for GI has been a long and unfinished one hed one. This article goes into the fundamental issues and provides two complementary perspectives. Firstly, policies about GI in a nation are con are controlled by the very nature of its governance.

For more than a century, humanity has started showing concern for the future of our planet. Natural resources like water reservoirs, forests, oil and gas fields have drawn attention of governments all over the world due to their limited capacity on the one hand and their rapid consumption on the other hand.

More than ever, IT and GIS companies are facing the need to address the environmental issues arising out of power consumption and cooling. Faced with increasingly urgent warnings about the consequences of the projected rise in both energy demands and greenhouse gas emissions, governments and businesses alike are now focussing more attention on the need to improve energy efficiency.

Thanks to the availability of satellite data archives covering more than a decade, Permanent Scatterer SAR Interferometry (PSInSAR) nowadays represents one of the most powerful techniques capable of retrieving surface displacements of either natural (rock outcrops) or man made objects (buildings, infrastructures) already present within the surveyed area, acting as permanent radar reflectors.

The technological and economic advances has only widened the urban-rural divide leaving the majority of the population of the country languishing in preindependence conditions. Over the years, several government agencies and a large number of voluntary organisations were involved in developing technologies that cater to the development of rural India. Unfortunately, these technologies hardly touched the lives of rural population. The one technology that has the potential to enrich rural lives and promises to bring in revolutionary changes is - geospatial technology.

Can information and communication technologies (ICTs) support development and social infrastructure projects? Will the money invested in communication devices and computers bring in tangible benefits to the targeted group or it is better spent on providing food, shelter, health and education?