In the study, 57 medicinal plant species belonging to 45 genera and 36 families have been recorded. Out of these, the most important species found were Aesculus punduana, Boerhavia diffusa, Dillenia pentagyna, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Justicia adhatoda, Oroxylum indicum, Rauvolfia densiflora, Rauvolfia serpentina, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia belerica and Terminalia chebula.

Rainfall occurring over a place is very important from water resources planning and management point of view. The prediction of rainfall further helps in planning the activities of agriculturists, builders, water supply engineers, and others. At present the Meteorology Department is informing only short term forecasting about weather but long

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There exist a sound Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) among Karbis relating to prediction of annual seasons using flora and fauna and physical factors as indicators. Floral characters include leaf fall, formation of new leaves, flowering, fruiting and ripening, formation of tubers, etc.

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Water is an essential commodity for survival and development. But the ever-increasing human population, technological modernization, changing life patterns and erratic monsoons are likely to lead to water crisis in this millennium. In the study, indigenous water conservation systems of Himachal Pradesh have been studied.

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Indigenous ways of conserving the animals through adoption of traditional breeding methods, classifying the breeds, diagnosing the diseases, and preventing the disorders and diseases by using locally available ethnoveterinary practices is still found to be rational and predominant in the remote places in India plays a pivotal role in conserving the animals

The wisdom that indigenous people have regarding bioprospecting is embedded in their belief system and their culture. Food insects play an important role in the new insect focus.

The mercury based Indian traditional drug Ras-Sindoor is administered for the various ailments such as syphilis, genital disorders, and for rejuvenation.

Sthaulya is a deprecate state of human being. The physical morbidity of Sthaulya is paramount and enhances several disease processes. In the study, the role of Agnimantha (Premna obtusifolia R. Br.) as antiobesity agent has been studied in 26 subjects with severe form of Sthaulya and has been compared in 24 age and sex matched controlled subjects.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease which gets precipitated by increasing stress, dietary habits and urban sedentary lifestyle. Pulmonary functions are found to be influenced in congestive heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction and after cardiac surgery.

The traditional knowledge of healing plants and their treatment methods are rooted in the Ayurvedic compendia and in the unscripted dialects of the people in India. Scientific documentation of this vast information has been accelerated in the last few decades. A first time study of the medicinal plants used for the treatment of fever in Madhavacikitsa text, one of the most important post Caraka-Susruta Samhitas reveals that there are a total of 182 vernacular (Sanskrit) plant names in the text for the treatment of all major types of fever.

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