Previous studies demonstrated that the trade in marine turtle products in Viet Nam was threatening local populations. Hawksbill turtles, which comprise most of the illegal trade in Viet Nam, have traditionally been exploited primarily for their shell and there has never been a significant international trade in other products from this species.

We would like to begin by acknowledging that Hawk

In February 2009 I was an invited speaker at the Dhamra Port Consultative Technical Workshop in Bhubaneswar, Orissa State, at the behest of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. My topic was how to minimize sea turtle and dredging interactions during the ongoing Dhamra Port construction project in the Dhamra River estuary, on the Bay of Bengal.

The Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project (SSCP) is a 167 km long shipping canal, and envisages the creation of a navigable canal from the Gulf of Mannar to the Bay of Bengal to facilitate the movement of ships. The proposed SSCP site is located in a globally significant marine ecosystem – the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, one of world's richest marine biological resources.