India said its renewable-energy industry must eventually learn to live without government support and that it’s seeking to generate five times more power from solar by 2022 than is currently instal

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government will negotiate with the opposition to cut Australia’s renewable energy target and exempt industries such as aluminum and copper smelting.

Cobra Ingenieria Uruguay SA will receive a loan for as much as $42.2 million from the Inter-American Development Bank to finance a wind project in the southern part of that nation.

South Africa has started moving rhinos from areas of heavy poaching in the Kruger National Park to parts of the reserve where they can be protected to combat a surge in illegal killings of the enda

French Environment and Energy Minister Segolene Royal said a subsidy paid by consumers for renewable power will be increased starting next year even as a shortfall in financing development widens.

The last major hurricane to strike land anywhere in the Atlantic basin was Sandy in 2012. That may change tomorrow as Hurricane Gonzalo bears down on Bermuda.

German electricity consumers will for the first time see a drop in the fee added to their bills to fund renewables, a boost for Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has pledged to curb the cost for voters

Ana Paulino, a 40-year-old street vendor in Luanda, balances plastic cans of water four times as heavy as a bowling ball on top of her head every morning and night for quarter-mile trips to the nea

Increased use of natural gas from a fracking boom won’t slow climate change as the fuel will simply replace cleaner energy sources, scientists said in a study.

Europe’s surplus of carbon permits may more than double by 2020, threatening to render the world’s biggest emissions trading system irrelevant for the foreseeable future, according to environmental
