Even if oil prices touch $100 a barrel, the government cannot pass the burden to consumers as it will push them to misery.

Enrique Penalosa, erstwhile mayor of Bogot

Most people mcluding conservationists think that when a species is in trouble, all it requires is a chunk of protected forest. However, in a high population density India, there are several other constituents or stakeholders involved

The nondescript village of Yevat, nearly 100 km from Pune, is the unlikely setting for an even more unlikely revolution. Mohammed Haneef, a failed farmer at 45, started it. Not only did he sell his father

Sushanth Darekar, 24, lives in the village of Lonikalbhor, 20 km off the Pune-Solapur highway. It is the middle of summer but the sweltering heat does not bother him. After a hard day

FEW businessmen would spend a lot of time talking about a harmless virus. But this virus, called a phage, kills bacteria that are dangerous to human beings. You could use it as a drug, if we knew how to tame it and get it to the right place. Some institutions and a few companies have tried to do it for decades, but with limited success.

No small sachets, no video-on-wheels, no wall paintings. Rural 2.0 is not just about selling soaps or colas in flexible sizes at lower prices. It is about creating a market from scratch by first developing it, solving its basic problems, figuring out what it needs and then designing a product or service built around that one need that a company could, probably, service.

How effective has Maharashtra

The Employment Guarantee Act is a diluted version of the original proposal. Will it be effective?

Amartya Sen calls it cause for jubilation. Giving some of the poorest people in the country a reliable source of income through 100 days of guaranteed employment can be an enormously important instrument for improving their well-being, says the Nobel laureate.

The chaos on the roads is choking the growth of India's IT capital, Bangalore
