RESIDENTS of Kipushi in the newly-created Mushindamo district are forced to draw water from the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) because the water pumps on the Zambian side have brok

CHAMA district commissioner Leonard Ngoma says the human-animal conflict in Chama in Muchinga Province is rife with some wild animals terrorising villages and attacking livestock belonging to the f

GOVERNMNET says the newly-commissioned water supply improvement project in Misisi township in Lusaka Province will provide clean drinking water to over 30,000 residents.

THE German government has pumped about €4 million in a project to conduct research in climate change and sustainable land management use in Zambia.

OVER FOURTY cattle have died in Sinazongwe district in the last seven days due to the outbreak of babesiosis disease, district commissioner Protacio Mulenga has confirmed.

THE British government has invested US$5 million in potato farming in Northern Province to boost agriculture production in the region and contribute to the country’s economic diversification progra

GOVERNMENT in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is undertaking a five-year forest regeneration project covering 15,000 hectares in Serenje and Chitambo districts in C

THE Department of National Parks and Wildlife has arrested three Chinese and two Zambians for alleged illegal possession of 25 rhino horns

THE challenge of lead pollution in Kabwe has been exaggerated as information publicised by some international organisations suggests that Central

THE installation of 10 solar-powered milling plants in Kalumbila district in North-Western Province has started.
