In A significant move ahead of the upcoming Shimla Municipal Corporation elections, the government on Wednesday cleared the decks for relaxing the ban on new constructions in the town’s green belt.
Representatives of People For Animals (PFA) on Tuesday conducted a raid at Sacred Heart School, Sector 26, and recovered prohibited animals, including turtles, cobra, frogs and lizards, from the bi
In what seems an attempt to save the UT Administration from the ire of the High Court, the Municipal Corporation (MC) has started construction of pedestrian pathways in parking lots in Sector 17.
In a move to invite industry to the cash-strapped Punjab, the state government is ready to amend and even bring in a new industrial policy, Industries & Commerce Minister Anil Joshi said Wednes
The Union Minister of Planning, Science and Technology Ashwani Kumar, on Monday, termed Himachal Pradesh’s demand for green bonus - payment of environment services - as legitimate and said he would
Green energy and power saving is the mantra of leading companies showcasing new products and technologies at Coolex 2012, Confederation of Indian Industry’s (CII) four-day exhibition on air conditi
The much awaited heart transplant programme at the region’s tertiary care institute, PGIMER, has moved a step closer to reality with the head of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery (CTVS) departmen
A village in Sirsa along Haryana’s dusty borders with Rajasthan has redefined what ‘public-private partnership’ can mean in terms of girls’ education and social development.