Syed Junaid Hashmi

Structures gutted in the clash between police and Gujjars at Gujjar Basti in village Karnaila Chak on the banks of river Tawi had neither been constructed overnight nor were they existing on the 10 hectares of land in possession of social forestry department where a nursery continues to exist.

Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir today demanded dismissal of Police and Forest officials who set ablaze more than 30 houses of nomadic Gujjars at village Karnala Chak on the banks of river Tawi adjoining Vikram Chowk in Jammu yesterday.

Shabir Ibn Yusuf

Officials claimed the Chinese toys contained lead (pb). This element, if ingested, can cause various ills like brain hemorrhage, anemia, learning problems and slow growth.
More than three months after the union government banned the import of Chinese toys in country, KashmirValley still seems to have a fancy for low cost battery operated toys.

Three months have passed since the Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) impressed upon the state government to fill all the open bores, manholes and pits for the safety of the people, but the instructions seem to have no takers so far.

In a bid to reform the state

Central Government Pensioners

The need of set ting up more Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) around the Dal Lake might be a standard demand from the environment protection institutions, the fact remains that even the existing STPs are not functioning to their potential thanks to their linkage with a limited number of sewer lines.

Foiling a smuggling bid, Forest Protection Force (FPF) have seized 86 Deodar scants (sleepers) in Doda district last evening.

vulnerable wildlife

In yet another exercise to protect the highly vulnerable wildlife of Jammu and Kashmir, the centre has sanctioned five full-fledged zoos for the state.

The zoos will be set up in all the three divisions of the state at Jammu, Srinagar, Pahalgam, Gulmarg and Leh, the officials of the state

REPORT that the mosques in Valley have joined Green campaign is a heartening development. The devotees, who come to offer prayers in the mosques, are urged to join the efforts to save the planet Earth by keeping it green and pollution free by avoiding use of polythene.
