Upon retrenchment, he received R14 000 in Mineworker Provident Fund benefits.

The latest outbreak, confirmed by council spokesperson Michael Chideme yesterday, has been blamed on water shortages, raw sewer spillages and uncollected garbage in the city’s populous high-density

Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Huang Ping places a stone at the site of a weir dam wall, officially handing over a productive asset to the community of Shauke in Zvishavane yesterday

Mathabire, who works with Doctors Without Borders (MSF), won the HIV/TB research prize for her groundbreaking HIV/TB research on the use of a portable test for TB among severely ill HIV patients in

Tafanana Zhou who is Zanu PF Mberengwa North legislator, said the committee noted that there were a number of issues that needed to be ironed out.

Zimbabwe is one of the countries battling to contain fresh HIV infections among youths, where girls in the 15 to 19 year age group account for seven out of every 10 new infections.

Bonde made the call during commemorations of the World Environmental Day at Cowdray Park in Bulawayo at the weekend.

Health and Child Care secretary Gerald Gwinji yesterday said the ministry had already launched its own investigations with a view to bring the culprits to book.

GOVERNMENT has released $1,5 million towards the compensation of nearly 2 000 families who were displaced during the Tokwe Mukosi dam floods in 2014, a senior government official has said.

The Gwanda Residents Association and the Community Youth Development Trust (CYDT) also blasted Zinwa for its “indiscriminate” water disconnections to the entire town, exposing residents to waterbor
