This comprehensive compilation of published scientific papers by the Coalition for a GM-Free India points to various adverse impacts of Genetically Modified (GM) crops and foods.

The Coalition for a GM-Free India expressed deep disappointment at the Government’s action of sneaking in the controversial Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill 2013, in Parliament today (22nd April, 2013) despite strong opposition from parliamentarians, scientists, civil society groups and other analysts to this controversial

This compilation of scientific papers published by the Coalition for a GM-Free India on 26th March, the 11th anniversary of the official approval of Bt cotton in India showcases mounting evidence on the adverse impacts of transgenic crops/ food on various fronts.

Ten years after Bt cotton first made its appearance in India, the Coalition for GM-free India has released this special report and demands an immediate halt to the policy of promoting Bt cotton.

On the second anniversary of the decision taken by the then Minister for Environment & Forests to declare a moratorium on Bt brinjal, the Coalition for a GM-Free India has decided to mark and celebrate February 9th as National Safe Food Day!

Transgenics or GE/GM crops are one of the oft-used tools of modern biotechnology, deployed in our food and farming systems.