The PMO documents on Dow Chemicals and its liability on Bhopal gathered by Bhopal activists. These have brought to light a letter written in 2006 by Dow Chemicals CEO Andrew Liveris to the then Indian ambassador to the US Ronen Sen, claiming that the Indian government had said that his company is not liable for the Bhopal gas tragedy.

This document contains the speech of Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, delivered at 16th SAARC Summit at Thimphu, Bhutan on 28th April 2010.

This is the Press release by Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He chaired a meeting of the National Council on Climate Change to give shape to the National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change and underlined the importance of developing our own skills, knowledge and capacities in the science of climate change. He suggested an integrated approach to capacity building.

The draft of India’s ambitious National Solar Mission plan under the National Action Plan on Climate Change approved by the Prime Minister of India on 3rd Aug 09. The plan has an ambitious target of generating 20,000 MW solar power by 2020 and this mission document describes the mission strategy in three phases.

On August 9th, 2007, Mr. D.Raja, National Secretary, Communist Party of India, wrote a strong letter on the matter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, accusing the PM's office of treating Dow and not Bhopal survivors as the victims of an injustice. The Prime Minister replied on August 17th.

Prime Minister