‘Delay in demarcation of Ridge land’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has demanded more from scientific community. He has also pitched for applying science to solve problems faced by the countries

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Resident Welfare Association Vs. D.M.R.C. & Others dated 20/07/2017 regarding noise and dust pollution resulting from laying down of railway line by DMRC. Counsel appearing for D.M.R.C. states that the premises in question, has already been vacated and it is ensured that the site will be properly restored, with at least 500 trees planted on 1.19 acres of land.

Peak season of vector-borne diseases starts from mid-July and continues till the end of November, says health official

Campaign will draw attention to issues - car pooling, affordable and reliable mobility options

Delhi's citizens are exasperated at the lack of enforcement that has led to poor air quality, garbage heaps, traffic mess and other civic problems.

The death toll in Maharashtra so far this year is higher than the number of deaths from H1N1 in the whole country in 2016 — 265

The Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) is all set to "go green" by using solar energy and will reduce its electricity bill by 50 per cent in the coming years.

NGT has directed the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) to inspect the rain water harvesting systems (RWHS) being installed in private and government schools in Delhi.

The Public Works Department (PWD) of the Delhi government has decided to procure six vacuum cleaning road machines, in addition to as many machines already in service, to reduce air pollution in th
