Six cotton growers of Madhya Pradesh, five of them from the Vidarbha region, allegedly committed suicide last week following widespread damage to the cotton crop due to unseasonal rain and their

The Andhra Pradesh Assembly unanimously passed a resolution requesting the Centre to block the entry of the 'terminator' gene for cotton into the country following fears among farmers about its

Agriculture scientists attending the first international Agronomy Congress here today warned that rapid soil erosion and declining crop yields could lead to foodgrain shortages in the region.They

The Janata Dal Government set up expert panel to monitor genetic farming, which is being opposed by one of the Karnataka's militant farmers association.The state Governemnt also said that it would

Even as Karnataka Agriculture Minister C. Byre Gowda declared yesterday that trials of the terminator gene technology would not be allowed in the state, Monsanto, the MNC accused of conducting these

The controversy over the "terminator" gene came to the fore with the multinational group subsidiary, Monsanto India, claiming that it had never used the gene protection technology or the terminator

Cause of great concern : Continual presence of locusts in Rajasthan has not only become a concern for the Union agriculture ministry but also become a subject matter for discussion in the on-going

The "Terminator" seed controversy has reached the boiling point with the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha--the staunch anit-MNC ryots--outfit-- demanding withdrawal of the Monsanto developed seed within

Repeated failure of crops for the past four years has been forcing the farmers of Nandgarh Kotra, Gehribarasingha and Harkrishanpura (Bathinda) village to sell their livestock and jewellary for

Three NGOs today demanded that the Central Government make public all the details relating to Monsanto's trials involving genetically engineered seeds in various states, including Andhra Pradesh and
