Fake harvest reports in pursuit of an 8% growth pledge recall the days of the Great Leap Forward in China : a

Prof M D Nanjundaswamy of the State Farmers Association has threatened to take "direct action" against Monsanto, a multinational corporation, if the company failed to provide information immediately

Health risks from genetically modified food is not the concern of affluent countries alone - people in the Philippines too are worrying about new genetically modified food imports from the US. But

After unseasonal rains put humble onions out of reach of the poor,a new insect immune to available pesticides - Gilhard - is threatening mustard, gram and wheat crop in large parts of Rajasthan. Just

Opposition to genetically modified food is growing in the UK and Germany, according to a surveys carried out for Monsanto, the US life sciences group that has been at the forefront of introducing GM

Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan, which make up the rabi belt, are facing shortfall of diammonium phosphate(DAP) because of the government's failure to announce

US scientists have used genetic engineering to change the function of a plant enzyme for the first time. The breakthrough paves the way for designer plants that can be used as a source of food, fuel

The State Government will seek special Commonwealth assistance for frost-affected farmers in Australia's Victoria's north after lifting the estimated financial impact of the freeze to between $800

Attorney-General Soli Sorabjee informed the Supreme Court on Monday that the Union Government would soon move the US for cancellation of the patent awarded to an American company on Basmati rice. The

Restoring and maintaining soil fertility will be one of the top priorities of agricultural scientists in their pursuit of ensuring food security. About 400 scientists from across the country and
