The multilateral lending agency Asian Development Bank (ADB) will grant a loan of USD 200 million to finance Assam

It is a bird sanctuary and the State

The State is facing a short supply of around 50 MW of power these days. Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB) Chairman A K Sachan told this newspaper here today that this is due to the rainless condition for the past several days and also due to the defects that have developed in two compressors of the Kathalguri Thermal Power Station of the NEEPCO.

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Opposition members today made a strong plea to go for micro hydel projects instead of the mega ones, to meet the power demand of the State and the NE region as well.

The power demand of the State has doubled in recent years. Against the peak-load-hour demand of 430 MW in 2000, a survey conducted about a month back revealed that the State now requires around 1,000 MW of power during this period.

The Central Government has decided to allocate 24 MW more power to the State with effect from tomorrow, from its unallocated pool of power, said the official sources. This is going to help the State improve its overall power scenario.

Rain can only bring about a change in the present grim power scenario in the State. This is because of the State's over dependence on the hydel power stations to meet its power needs. However, to get some relief, the State has pleaded with the Central Government for allocation of 50 MW to 100 MW more power and this plea is under active consideration of the Centre.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to helping achieve access to energy for all people in the region. The stories in this publication

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