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The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects the tropospheric concentrations of many trace gases. Here we investigate the ENSO influence on mercury concentrations measured in the upper troposphere during Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrumented Container flights and at ground at Cape Point, South Africa, and Mace Head, Ireland. Mercury concentrations cross-correlate with Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with a lag of 8 ± 2 months.

There is a high sediment mercury levels in Artic which is more prone for pollution in the region, a recent study has revealed.

BOGOTA – More than 300 peasants from the Caribbean province of Bolivar were driven off their land by the intense drought caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon, in the first evacuation for that r

After two straight years of drought, there's finally reason to hope for a normal monsoon this year.

The Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugee Affairs (Midmar) has set aside $36.6 million (about Rwf27 billion) toward efforts to cope with effects of El Nino.

Last month was the hottest January in modern times, US data showed on Wednesday, the latest in a string of heat records fuelling concerns over the pace of climate change.

GENEVA: The 2015-2016 El Nino weather phenomenon, one of the most powerful on record, has begun its decline but continues to have a strong influence on global climate patterns, the UN's weather age

The El Niño that caused record temperatures, drought and floods over the last year has passed its peak strength but will continue to have humanitarian impacts for months to come, the UN has said.

The past month is the warmest since record keeping began in 1880, which continues a nine-month streak of record high monthly temperatures, according to the latest report released by the U.S.

The Met would come up with its first forecast of 2016 southwest monsoon in April, but initial predictions from global agencies indicate an overall weakening of El Niño
