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India's monsoon is in no danger of catastrophic collapse in response to global warming and air pollution, two atmospheric scientists said today, refuting earlier predictions that the monsoon could

HIGHWAYS have been closed and airport traffic was disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

The latest report compiled by the SADC Regional Early Warning System (REWS) indicates that in many parts of the SADC region - Namibia included - the October to December 2015 period has been the dri

A strong El Nino weather pattern will likely end in the second quarter of 2016, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said on Tuesday.

This week, the acting Cities Minister announced a federal government pledge to increase tree coverage in Australian cities each decade to 2050, an effort to "green" and "cool" the city.

Last year’s global average temperature was the hottest ever by the widest margin on record, two U.S.

Last year wasn't just the Earth's hottest year on record _ it left a century of high temperature marks in the dust.

Davao City – The prolonged El Niño phenomenon, which experts said will extend until May or even up to June this year, has already taken its toll on the palay and corn production in Davao region, th

The Amazon basin is a vast continental area in which atmospheric composition is relatively unaffected by anthropogenic aerosol particles. Understanding the properties of the natural biogenic aerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest is key to understanding their influence on regional and global climate. While there have been a number of studies during the wet season, and of biomass burning particles in the dry season, there has been relatively little work on the transition period - the 5 start of the dry season in the absence of biomass burning.

Mozambique is one of many countries feeling the strain of El Nino, which has dried up rainfall across southern Africa over the last year, killing crops and disrupting hydropower production.
