The Rajasthan Government has set the target for disbursement of crop loans worth Rs.6,000 crore to farmers through village cooperative societies this year.

The last pair of Siberian cranes was spotted here in 2002
About a decade after the celebrated Siberian cranes ceased to visit the Keoladeo National Park near Bharatpur in Rajasthan, the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests is planning to take up a captive breeding programme for the rare birds in the same terrain.

JAIPUR: The migratory birds have found their way back to the Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur, thanks to a good monsoon and the water released from Pachna dam a few months ago.

JAIPUR: The Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation has established

JAIPUR: With the state forest department waiting for the dust to settle at Sariska before initiating any step in relocating another big cat to the reserve, it's a race against time. For if the department is keen on relocation, a strong opposition is building up to halt it.

Sources said: "A big lobby, whose members are into conservation and tourism, do not want more relocation.

Anindo Dey | TNN

Jaipur: There could be more than one tiger on the prowl in Rajasthan and neighbouring states from the Ranthambore National Park. The suspicion grew stronger after forest officials on Sunday discovered the carcass of a blue bull in Bharatpur.

Jaipur: The swine flu menace continued its upward march in the state with 31 new cases being detected on Monday. The total number of H1N1 positive cases now stands at 448.
According to director, medical and health OP Gupta, no death has been reported in the state on Monday.

To avert disasters like the Bhopal gas leak, the environment ministry is preparing off-site emergency plans for hazardous units in 41 selected industrial pockets such as Gurgaon, Coimbatore, Bharatpur and Panipat.

The use in animals of an anti-inflammatory drug meant for humans threatens with extinction three species of Gyps vultures in India.
FOR the three endangered species of Gyps vultures in India, 2009 was a year of mild optimism.

Jaipur: The Keoladeo National Park in Rajasthan, better known as the Bharatpur bird sanctuary, is in the danger of losing its Unesco World Heritage Site status if the state government fails to build a drain to bring water into the reserve.
