The Sewri mudflats in Mumbai, home to a rich biodiversity, including flamingoes, is under threat from a development project.

Narendra Modi seems to have set aside Hindutva to appease big business while the human development indices of Gujarat keep falling.

WHEN Anna Hazare praised Chief Minister Narendra Modi for his achievements in rural development in Gujarat, it resulted in a slew of messages to the veteran Gandhian from outraged non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and activists.

Rohit Prajapati and Trupti Sh

Germany's policies prove that renewable sources of energy are a viable option.
IN September 2010, the German Federal Environment Agency announced that by 2050 the country would be in a position to meet all of its electricity requirements from renewable energy sources as opposed to the present 16 per cent.

This did not come as a surprise since Germany has always considered renewable energy sour

A NUMBER of mega projects along the Konkan coast in Maharashtra are under public scrutiny. The most recent reason for this is the amendment to the rules governing the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ). The rules originally prohibited the setting up of big industries on the coast. The amended version permits them, primarily because of the convenience of transportation by sea.

Effluents from an industrial estate destroy the coastal ecology and deprive local people of their livelihood at Tadgam in Gujarat.

FAR from urban influences and pollutants, the beach at Tadgam in Valsad district in south Gujarat should be bustling with life.

The use in animals of an anti-inflammatory drug meant for humans threatens with extinction three species of Gyps vultures in India.
FOR the three endangered species of Gyps vultures in India, 2009 was a year of mild optimism.

Interview with Medha Patkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan leader
MEDHA PATKAR, the 56-year-old leader of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), is fighting what she calls the

The Supreme Court

France, as the next head of the E.U., faces the challenge of adopting clean fuel and finding new energy sources. An overhead network of gas pipelines at a refuelling terminal in Lille. Almost 100,000 tonnes of local organic waste is treated annually to produce biogas which is used to run 75 per cent of the city's public buses.

The book is an account of the author's pioneering work in the conservation of India's architectural and environmental heritage.
