This review summarizes current knowledge on the potential of ecosystems beyond terrestrial forests to contribute to climate change mitigation.

NEW DELHI: Environment ministers of the BRICS nations will meet in Goa on September 16 to strengthen mutual cooperation in critical areas like air and water pollution, liquid and solid waste manage

Greater Gir remains the last habitat of Asiatic lions on earth, and it seems to have no place in the Centre's Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats (IDWH).

Hawaii received a blow to its conservation efforts during the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress in Honolulu as it was revealed how much the country's

Reforestation is a critical means of addressing the environmental and social problems of deforestation. China’s Grain-for-Green Program (GFGP) is the world’s largest reforestation scheme. Here we provide the first nationwide assessment of the tree composition of GFGP forests and the first combined ecological and economic study aimed at understanding GFGP’s biodiversity implications. Across China, GFGP forests are overwhelmingly monocultures or compositionally simple mixed forests.

The Protected Planet Report 2016 has been launched at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii.

Greater Gir remains the last habitat of Asiatic lions on earth, and it seems to have no place in the Centre's Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats (IDWH).

Protected areas are a key strategy in conserving biodiversity, and there is a pressing need to evaluate their social impacts. Though the social impacts of development interventions are widely assessed, the conservation literature is limited and methodological guidance is lacking. Using a systematic literature search, which found 95 relevant studies, we assessed the methods used to evaluate the social impacts of protected areas.

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The Karnataka Biodiversity Board and the Western Ghats Task Force have entrusted the CES with the task to undertake the biodiversity mapping of Uttara Kannada.

The monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to more than 7,000 marine species, including endangered sea turtles, whales, Hawaiian monk seals, Laysan albatross, Pritchardia palms, and severa
