there is hope in sight for the blind. For the first time in medical history lab-grown corneas have been developed by us scientists. The lab variety resemble the real ones in every

Scientists have genetically-engineered a variety of rice that could end vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. The deficiency results in blindness. Researchers at the International Rice

ABORTED foetuses are the new tools to cure blindness. Researchers transplanted light-sensitive cells from the eyes of aborted foetuses into the eyes of blind adults, enabling them to see partially.

THE NGO sector of Orissa has vehemently opposed the bureaucrats of the health and family welfare department of the state after they returned Rs 33 crore out of the Rs 60 crore grant for the

Giving priority to combating the threat of blindness in the world's 18 million onchocerciasis sufferers has overshadowed treatment and control of a neglected strain of the disease

Sounds almost like a sci fi movie, but there is light in the dark for those who have lost their eyesight. A high tech curing device is on the anvil

A retinal implant based on a microchip could help treat blindness

Blind terror: 80 per cent of the world's sightless are in the developing world, and the number will double by the turn of the century. Carl Kupfer is the director of the National Eye Institute, Betheseda, USA. He tells the author that blindness is not onl

About 13,000 eyeballs are collected every year in India, but only about 7,000 of them are actually used in corneal graft surgeries. One of the main reasons for this pathetic situation is that

In Africa's Rift Valley, a simple fly trap is helping to check the spread of the second leading cause of blindness in the world. The inventor David Morley, a retired specialist in tropical child
