PATNA: Altogether 18 children were born blind in the arsenic affected blocks of Bhojpur district during the past three months, Bihar Health Minister Nand Kishore Yadav confirmed.

The cause of the blindness was not yet known, but health department officials were in touch with ophthalmologists, he said.

Zubeda Hamid |

IN a tiny laboratory of the physics department in Lady Doak College, a project is on to map eye infections that cause blindness among children in Pudukottai district.

Blindness is a major public health threat in the country, with over 750,000 people suffering from the malaise while 120,000 new incidences occurring every year mostly for lack of eye care resources and awareness.

According to a recent report published by the Ministry of Heath, 150,000 fully blind people and another 400,000 with eye diseases lacking clear vision live in Sri Lanka.
Around 50,000 suffer from cataract and another 15,000 are impaired with glaucoma. About 6,000 are suffering from various eye problems due to diabetics, the report says.

A WHO study says 60% of people with poor vision in the country are under 45, with trachoma being the chief culprit

Is young India

cigarette smoke has been linked to a higher rate of cataract but a new study says that even those who chew tobacco are at risk. Chewing tobacco is common in India, where cataract accounts for 44 per

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A garden for blind persons that explores more than just botanical learning

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