They were freed from bonded labour in 1989-90

Shyam Ranganathan

CHENNAI: Nearly 650 families who were freed from bonded labour from Andhra Pradesh quarries in 1989-1990, are living in abject poverty in Villupuram district because of non-access to government schemes, according to officials in the Adi Dravidar Welfare Directorate.

This paper looks at how Nike's soccer ball suppliers (previous and current) in Sialkot (Pakistan) fare in relation to the company's code of ethics. While minimum required working conditions are implemented, the criteria for social and environmental compliance are not met with. The multinational's decision to withdraw orders from the previous supplier ostensibly due to allegations of child labour and unauthorised subcontracting hit large sections of the workforce, especially rural, low-skilled and female workers.

Extracts from Red Sun, Travels in Naxal Country by Sudeep Chakravarty

On August 28, senior police officers and forest department personnel of two contiguous districts in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka held a joint meeting to combat the growing Naxal presence in forest areas.

In the absence of land reform, Koltas invariably find themselves working on others' fields. "I would work as a daily wage labouerer if I wasn't bonded,' Lal admits. "Many labourers have taken loans

Kundan Lal and his master struck a deal. Lal, the master agreed, could go home to see his ailing wife in Dehradun's Bhatad village. In exchange, he demanded the services of Lal's son and

Thousands of slave labourers in Brazil have something to rejoice about. The Brazilian Congress recently passed a constitutional amendment that is crucial to the eradication of the inhuman practice in

For the 28 labourers of Muzaffarnagar (UP) -- including 10 women and 11 children -- who were forced to work in a brick kiln and were illegally confined by its owner at Khekhra village in Meerut (UP),

Bonded labour, environmental devastation, abject working conditions... the stone crushing units of Haryana are a shame

Impoverished tribals living in the shadow of the Sahyadri hills show how degraded land can be revived by simply working unitedly
