CHENNAI: At least 17,325 houses in various parts of the city are yet to get toilet facilities.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of Venugopalapuram & Nateson Nagar Vs Government of Tamil Nadu & Others dated 20/09/2016 regarding contamination of ground water due to discharge of waste water by an industry in the business of water servicing of vehicles. Also it is alleged that the industry is operating within the residential area without getting prior Consent or Environment Clearance from the Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board.

The heavy floods, which claimed the lives of many and which left destruction in its path last December, was the biggest disaster witnessed not only by the people of Chennai but also to the National

Raps State for having no disaster management plan yet

CHENNAI: Barely six months after the renovated Chetpet lake was opened to the public, the state government is planning to add more facilities for visitors.

Tata Power, one of India's largest integrated power company, announced that its generation capacity increased by close to 9 per cent in the first quarter of the current fiscal against the previous

CHENNAI: The first phase of the rooftop solar power project has become operational in the Chennai airport.

A parliamentary panel has rejected Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi’s contention that there cannot be preparation for a disaster like the Chennai floods which “occurs once in 100 years.”

CHENNAI: "Do not honk. Just fly above me" - read a sticker asking motorists to turn the volume down and restrain from blaring horns.

CHENNAI: For a city that has faced six massive floods in the last 50 years, the State government is working to set up a Real Time Flood Forecasting and Spatial Decision Support System for Chennai.
