The Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act of 1986 prohibits the employment of children in 14 sectors, but regulates it only in the slate, gem and durri making industries.

Silk has joined carpets on the list of Indian industries that are frowned on in the West because of the extensive use of child labour. The Germans first voiced complaints against the carpet industry,

The registrar of trade unions has refused to acknowledge the Bal Mazdoor Union BMU , an association of working children in Delhi. Though the Delhi High Court has upheld the order of the registrar, the BMU refuses to give up and intends to appeal.

A voluntary group helps street children by organising them into associations and building a home for them.

THE TITLE promises a holistic analysis of the multi-faceted issue of child labour, but the book loses credibility because it concentrates on child labour's link with fertility. The

Until recently, 14 year old Daham was just another child carpet weaver. When he left his Bihar village to find work in UP's Mirzapur district, he hoped he could get some odhna kapda clothes and winterwear for himself and help make life a little easier f

About 5.6 per cent of the country's adults and a large number of children are suffering from diabetes, and the number of diabetic patients is increasing alarmingly with more than 20,000 new patients in a year. According to the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, various causes increase the prevalence of diabetes, while unbalanced food habit, lack of physical exercise, regular intake of energy-dense fast food and soft drinks are mainly blamed for diabetes. According to the data available at the association, 22,559 new patients of diabetes were registered in financial year 2005-2006, 22,324 in 2004-2005, 21,462 in 2003-2004, 20,883 in 2002-2003, 20,607 in 2001-2002 and 17,045 in 2000-2001. A total of 3,57,418 patients were registered in financial year 2005-2006, 3,34,859 in 2004-2005, 3,12,535 in 2003-2004, 2,91,073 in 2002-2003, 2,70,190 in 2001-2002 and 2,49,587 in 2000-2001, according to the association's data. Such patients were registered with the DAB-run BIRDEM hospitals in Dhaka, 13 national healthcare network centres in the city, 10 diabetic healthcare development centres and 56 affiliated bodies across the country. The DAB president, AK Azad Khan, told New Age on Wednesday

Sometimes, a fortnight can mirror a year. With the year-end approaching, a flashback is usually in order. But recent events have made completely clear to me where we are and where we are headed.
