ANY ATTEMPT at promoting awareness of the interdependence of humans and the environment is a welcome step. This is especially true of the need to tell children about the harm that has been done to

A recent exhibition on the Earth had children in the Capital enthralled.

AS PART of its literacy campaign, Bangladesh has started a food for education programme, under which a poor family will get 15 kg of cereal a month if one child goes to school, reports Panos. This

The drug controller of India is considering banning anti- diarrheal drugs for children because they are increasingly replacing oral rehydration solutions -- the first-line treatment for replenishing

THE ACHIEVEMENTS are quite remarkable. But the challenge that still remains is quite daunting. During the 1980s, 20 developing countries halved their under-5 death rates -- the number of children

Washing of ice cream vats at the Nirula's factory produced a liquid that was rich in milk fats and sugar, but had a high pollution potential. Distributing the 'milk shake' among students of a blind school took care of the problem and also earned goodwill

Handicapped children are being helped to overcome their disabilities through special programmes and innovative schemes such as art.

Environment education cannot be confined to plants and animals or even conservation; its aim must be to open to children the interconnectedness between living and non living things in space as well as time.

Environmental literature plays an important role in moulding innocent minds to think and understand green.

External debt has proved an albatross around the neck of African nations. At least two thirds of their total debt will have to be written off if they are to revive their economies
