In October last year, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat campaign, there was one thing he did differently as a politician. He set a target to achieve 100 per cent toilets in every school across the country till Independence Day in 2015. That was more than 4 lakh toilets. It's a massive number and the Prime Minister apparently monitored it personally. It seems the target has been achieved this week, but is it really the toilet dream that is being promised?
This video for the song 'Goddess' by up and coming US artist BANKS was inspired by UNICEF's work on promoting children's rights through sport and play and the Galz and Goals programme in Namibia which helps disadvantaged adolescent girls make healthy decisions on and off the playing field.
The regulation will cover toys targeted at children below six years
Toys with toxic substances pose health risk to children
CHENNAI: Imported toys sold in the city will soon be required to carry statutory information about their conforming to the safety standards specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards.