Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Insurance Schemes, 25/06/2019. State-wise details of claim ratio during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 (Provisional for Kharif 2018 season only as complete data is not available for Rabi 2018-19) are Annexed.

Agrarian distress in India, built-up over time, has further deteriorated recently. At the height of the farm output, Indian farmers are a disappointed lot. Despite spectacular rise in agricultural production, they continue to languish in poverty.

More than 2,000 voters, mostly farmers and their family members, in at least four villages, have boycotted polling in protest against non-payment of crop insurance for the year 2017-18.

Researchers and policymakers have long understood the benefits of crop insurance but have been consistently disappointed by the poor performance of these programs.

Free crop insurance and tweaking the credit schemes are also being considered as part of the relief measures

The National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi (Nasfam) says it intends to reach out to 50,000 smallholders with a weather-based index insurance (WBI) to protecting farmers from crop losses

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PATNA: The state cabinet on Tuesday gave its nod to the Bihar State Crop Assistance Scheme which will replace the existing system of crop insurance with effect from kharif (monsoon) season this yea

A devastating drought or other shock can force small-scale farmers in developing economies to sell off assets or cut meals and other consumption to cope. Even the risk of a shock can stifle their future by pushing them to underinvest in profitable but risky activities like cotton farming.
